A non-profit agriculture, art & music foundation

About Us

Hopewood Farm and Foundation will explore and celebrate the enduring roots of early to mid‐twentieth century America's rich heritage of art, music, and agriculture through community, religious, educational, and charitable programs.

Our American roots are slowly being forgotten.
Let's not let them wither away.

Dedicated to celebrating and exploring the enduring roots of the early to mid 20 th century American heritage. Hopewood Farm Foundation will be a non‐profit organization. Each and every dollar it receives will go to promote our mission.

About Us

We all come from deep roots. I don't want to forget mine. I also want to be able to leave something after me. A way I can honor my heritage and both of my families. And leave a legacy of my family for future generations. The story I want to share is not one of any particular note or national interest. There are not any notable figures (good or bad) in the family! My family’s story is a much more common one; representing many American families in the history of this nation. While it is one of ordinary people and the common thread on both sides of the family is that through hard work and perseverance, these folks were able to come from a foreign land to become enduring Americans! They each brought a unique heritage that I also want to highlight.


Copyright 2012 Hopewood Farm